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Quitting is for Winners: When to Quit a Job Without a New Job Lined Up career coaching career happiness work life balance Jul 21, 2024

You know what I think is total BS?

The "everyone knows that" advice is that you should never quit a job without a new one lined up. 


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12 Culture Fit Questions to Ask Employers career happiness company culture finding a job interviewing May 17, 2024

 You've got the chops and know-how, but how well do you click with what a company stands for? That's where culture fit interview questions...

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What Should I Ask the Employer in an Interview? career happiness finding a job interviewing Apr 11, 2024

Stepping into an interview can feel like you're stepping onto a stage. So you're right to wonder: "What should I ask the employer in an interview?"...

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Is It a Good Idea to Love Your Job? career coaching career happiness work life balance Apr 02, 2024

 If you’ve been hanging out with me for long enough, you know I approach career coaching in a slightly different way. While other...

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Surviving Setback: Don't Let a Bad Edit Ruin Your Self-Worth career coaching career happiness company culture Mar 26, 2024

Are you letting someone else's opinion ruin your day?

Lately, I've been working with a client who is starting a job search, but is feeling...

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A Lesson from the KC Chiefs: How Healthy Teams Celebrate Individual Success career happiness company culture Jan 10, 2024

Hot Take: Working with colleagues that celebrate you is underrated.

It's true. I talk to dozens of tech professionals every week, and this rarely...

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A Lesson from the Magic Kingdom career coaching career happiness Nov 15, 2023

Important life lessons can pop up in the most unexpected places.

I recently took an 11-day trip to Orlando. During my trip spent a few days with my...

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How to Assess Your Work Environment to Maximize Career Happiness career happiness work life balance Nov 05, 2023

The importance of having the right work environment cannot be undersold.  Truly.

In fact, it’s one of the ideas that I explore most when...

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FACTS: Company Culture Affects You Directly career happiness company culture work life balance Oct 08, 2023

Company culture is a big buzzword in the professional realm. And all companies seem to boast that theirs is elite, right?

I mean, just look at most...

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Work-Life Balance: Mythical Concept or Just Misunderstood? career happiness work life balance Sep 05, 2023

Ah work-life balance. The mythical unicorn that just couldn’t be possible, especially when working to advance your career, right?


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Career Advancement is NOT One Size Fits All career advancement career coaching career happiness Aug 26, 2023

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” And in terms of career advancement, this couldn’t be more...

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Demystifying Career Coaching and Recruiting Roles career coaching career happiness job search strategies recruiters resumes Jun 25, 2023

Job searches are hard, amirite?

And figuring out who is the right person to help you in your job search is also hard AF.

Throughout my career,...

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