What Should I Ask the Employer in an Interview?

career happiness finding a job interviewing Apr 11, 2024

Stepping into an interview can feel like you're stepping onto a stage. So you're right to wonder: "What should I ask the employer in an interview?"

But remember, going into an interview isn't just about impressing the hiring manager. This moment also lets you determine whether this job offer really aligns with your career goals. 

You shift the dynamic by asking good questions and evaluating whether this chance harmonizes with your aspirations and principles.

So we're plunging headfirst into the nitty-gritty of concocting those vital questions in the hiring process that truly pierce through to core matters - elements you think of but don't dare to ask, such as a company's culture, ethos, team synergy,  work environment, and potential career progression avenues, but also their company values.

Understanding Your Role in the Interview

Imagine landing a tech job that feels like you've hit the jackpot, only to realize later that growth opportunities are as scarce as a hen's teeth. 

Or learn that your boss is a micromanaging or misogynistic tyrant.

Don't let this be you. Instead, prepare questions and get answers to your original question, "What should I ask the employer in an interview?"

Remember, an interview is not just for show and tell; it's also your golden chance to sniff out how committed a company is to nurturing its talent. 

Ask straight up about their training programs, the performance review process, advancement opportunities, team/company events. team culture, company goals, holiday allowance, progression plans, job security, and whatever else lies deep in your heart.

If the interviewer's responses don't match your expectations or are vague on details, that's a red flag, bigger than Texas.

The Importance of Questioning in the Interview Process

Most people think of an interview as a performance evaluation where nobody actually has seen how you work.  I'd love to change your thinking of a common interview as a first date.

During this mutual exploration, each side evaluates the potential for a shared path forward to work closely, gauging compatibility and whether there's a great match for a positive working relationship.

But here’s the kicker: while your resume gets you in the door, the questions you ask could seal the deal and give you priority over other candidates.

They could also uncover things you definitely don't want to deal with, enabling you to avoid a bad fit.

The exchange of questions and answers during an interview establishes a rapport between the interviewer and you, the candidate. This is more than checking if your skills and qualifications match the job description. It's about seeing whether you and the company share the same values, pursue similar goals, and can vibe together in the working culture.

In the end, it's not just about digging up answers through questioning. Rather, think of it this way: the biggest reason behind the interview is to find the right match for the position and that you are happy with the expectations.

The Power of Informed Decision-Making

Your goal during the interview process? 

Walking away with enough information to make an informed decision about continuing to pursue the job. You want to truly understand as much as possible before making big moves.

Inquiring about the trajectory for advancement, gauging how success is quantified among colleagues, or delving into the hurdles that impede the organization can enlighten you on whether this position dovetails with your overarching ambitions.

This approach isn't just smart; it demonstrates foresight and critical thinking—highly valued qualities any top-notch employer values but also aligns with your beliefs and desires.

Actually Preparing for the Interview

Identify Your Career Aspirations

Knowing what you want in your career is like having a map before you start a journey. 

You might be tempted to cast a wide net... but that's just not effective. Rather, pick a target and run with it.

It's crucial to pinpoint what you want before walking into an interview room, as it helps refine the questions you ask. 

Diving deep into understanding your professional desires isn't just about job titles or salary ranges; it’s also about the impact you want to make and the skills you wish to acquire or hone. 

At the end of the day, knowing what you want out of your career gives you the power to make smart choices that help get you closer to achieving your professional goals.


Acknowledge Deal Breakers Early On

Sometimes, knowing what you don’t want is as important as knowing what you do. 

Identifying potential deal breakers early can help eliminate pain points and save you from future dissatisfaction and regret. Think of it as avoiding roads that won't lead to your destination.

This could range from non-negotiables like work-life balance requirements, cultural mismatch, or even a lack of growth opportunities within a company.

As I always say, one of the biggest boss moves you can make in your career is withdrawing from the hiring process as soon as you know you don't want something.

Tailor Your Killer Questions

In the interview, it's not solely you in the hot seat. It's your stage, too, to find out if this is a gig where you'll thrive or dive. 

Consider it akin to rapid matchmaking for your professional journey. You want to leave knowing what makes this company tick and if its rhythm matches yours.

So, start by flipping the script. 

Instead of just prepping for their questions, jot down some killer ones of your own that focus on what matters most to you in your career.

Important but Unexpected Interview Questions

Adopting this approach enables the interviewer to imagine you filling the position, simultaneously offering you a more vivid understanding of what diving into this fresh environment demands. 

Here are a few sample questions: 

Role Specific Questions:
  • What does a day in the life of someone in this role look like?
  • How will I know if I am successful or unsuccessful in this role? How is my performance measured?
  • In what ways does this position propel the company towards its defined objectives and mission fulfilment?

Diving deep into the nitty-gritty of a role through sharp and pointed questions is paramount - it hands you an unobscured lens to view your daily duties and expected deliverables within that job's framework. 

Asking about the day-to-day job, you can ensure your skills and interests align with the business, and asking how they measure success, allow you to align your own targets with the company's. This paves the way for a solid understanding between both parties and lays the groundwork for effective teamwork. 

Company Values: 
  • What's one of the company's values that you resonate with the most?
  • How do you see that value showing up in the company's policies and day-today operations? 

Finding out what makes a company's heartbeat is like being an archaeologist—you need to know where to dig. Inquire about the foundational beliefs that drive the company, yet delve beyond the surface. How do they handle failure? A company that embraces mistakes as learning opportunities usually has a supportive culture.

Lastly, ask about how decisions are made within the company. For example, how are decisions made about what products to invest in? 


Team Dynamics and Collaboration:
  • How does the team typically collaborate on projects or tasks? 
  • What other departments might I be working with in this role?

Exploring the mechanisms of team interactions uncovers significant insights into a corporation's foundational structure. Find out if teams prefer brainstorming sessions over solo work—this shows collaboration levels.

Another key question revolves around conflict resolution strategies; it tells you volumes about communication styles and respect among colleagues.

Digging into the celebration of accomplishments sheds light on whether victories are honored on a solo basis or as team triumphs, thereby casting a spotlight on the level of inclusivity and encouragement within the organization.

Company Growth and Employee Opportunities:
  • Can you share any upcoming projects or initiatives the company is excited about? 
  • What steps does the firm take to fuel career progression and provide employees with avenues for growth?

Digging into the company's future plans and expansion strategies through your questions can help you understand where they're headed. It also shows you how it could pave the way for your career growth. 

Getting how the Company backs up career progress and broadening chances gives you, the job seeker, the power to evaluate their long-term outlook within the firm, and questions like this allow you to see if your career plans jive with the Company's path and give you tools to make smart choices about your future.

Work-Life Balance and Flexiblity
  • Can you speak to your approach to employee well-being? 
  • What are the work location and schedule expectations for this role? How flexible are these expectations?

One of the biggest drivers of the Great Resignation of 2021-2022 was work-life balance.

Asking a company about their stances on employee work-life equilibrium and welfare is like snagging an exclusive preview of their culture and values.

Asking about flex work shows a candidate's dedication to balancing their life and job, showing they get how crucial adaptability is in the modern workspace.

Grasping a firm's commitment to its staff's wellness gives you a chance to assess if the Company vibe gels with its own ideals and beliefs, possibly swaying your decision to accept the offered position.

Every question you ask should serve two purposes: give insight into the company and show them you're serious about making an impact there. Dig deeper with questions that unveil how they work, but also why they work that way, and how they see someone (hopefully, you) making things better there. 

Conclusion: You now know the answer to "What questions should I ask an employer?"

You want more than just a paycheck; you're after an opportunity that will let you make the most of your career. 

By asking the right questions, you find out if there is a clear path for your growth or if it’s more of an 'every person for themselves’ situation.

Next time you have a job interview, arm yourself with the right questions to understand whether this opportunity belongs on your career trajectory.

Don't be afraid to dig deep. 

Stay curious. The questions you pose serve as instruments, sculpting a more defined route towards your career advancement.

Aim high, but stay grounded. Knowing what to ask helps you evaluate how you'll fit in and how you can soar.


Need help understanding how to navigate job interviews? I can help. Visit dianaalt.com/services to learn more.