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Remote Work Does Not Mean PJs All Day work life balance Dec 31, 2023

Remote work from home gets a bad rap in the professional world. 

It’s often painted as “less-than” – less...

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10 Professional Skills Thatā€™ll Set You Apart from the Competition career advancement Dec 24, 2023

If you asked anyone to list off necessary professional skillsets, you’ll hear the same buzzwords over and over again. 

  • Communication
  • ...
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Proven Strategies for Having a Thriving Life After Layoff finding a job Dec 17, 2023

To say a layoff is stressful would be an understatement. But I’m here to tell you, you CAN have a truly successful life after layoff.


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Demystifying 3 Key Types of Stock Based Compensation compensation and benefits Dec 10, 2023

Ever wondered whether you should get excited about stock based compensation?

Imagine this: You've just landed your dream job at the next big tech...

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Cutting the Cord: Leave Work at Work Dec 03, 2023

Ah, leaving work at work. Sounds great when you say it, but it’s a whole lot harder in practice, amirite?

Many professionals struggle to...

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Strategies for Professional Network Building career advancement networking Nov 26, 2023

Networking is often touted as the number one way to advance your career. And while opinions vary on whether networking actually is or should be so...

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How the Right Job Search Strategy Brings You Closer to a Job You Actually Want finding a job Nov 19, 2023

When developing your job search strategy, perspective is everything.

Whatever your prior notions of the job hunt were, I invite you to think of job...

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A Lesson from the Magic Kingdom career coaching career happiness Nov 15, 2023

Important life lessons can pop up in the most unexpected places.

I recently took an 11-day trip to Orlando. During my trip spent a few days with my...

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9 Overlooked and Undervalued Employee Benefits compensation and benefits Nov 12, 2023

How thoroughly have you looked at your employee benefits package?

Standard employee benefits like healthcare, vacation time, and retirement...

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How to Assess Your Work Environment to Maximize Career Happiness career happiness work life balance Nov 05, 2023

The importance of having the right work environment cannot be undersold.  Truly.

In fact, it’s one of the ideas that I explore most when...

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The Traditional Career Path Model is Dead career advancement Oct 29, 2023

The traditional career path doesn’t have much difference between industries; it’s linear, step-like, with 4 or 5 levels on the path to...

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Crafting a Standout Resume: 8 Best Resume Formatting Tips finding a job resumes Oct 22, 2023

First impressions matter! Following the best resume formatting guidelines can be the edge you need to get past the skimming stage.

Before a...

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